I have missed many pieces of street art in that time but I can't cry over spilt milk, I just need to get on with it!
First up is one of my favourite artists of all time, Stik. These 2 pieces are quite old but I have been wanting to share them with you for ages, so I kept them. As with all the images you see here, just click on them for enlarged versions.
This is on a door on the corner of Brick Lane and Bethnal Green Road, it has been there for years and I think I have posted it before. What I like about this is the broken up graf over it saying "When does Stik become an insect" (Geddit?). this has now been removed by Stik, so I'm so glad I caught it!
This "family" is very close to the hospital so it's not exactly on Brick Lane, but I included it anyway. Again, it's a very old piece, but Stik still goes around renovating old and weathered pieces.
The next artist I believe is called Cranio (correct me if I'm wrong) and he's from Brazil (if you hadn't noticed). Also featured here is one of my favourite paste-up artists, Paul 'Don' Smith. For the non-British visitors, the character in the top right hand corner is called Del Boy, from a TV show called "Only Fools and Horses" that was voted the best comedy show of all time.
More favourite artists of mine include Nathan Bowen, Osch and Shok-1. Here are some oldish pieces from them.
Hahahahaha! Donald Duck killed Big Bird! He's always been a bit too camp for me anyway!
This piece is a bit of a departure from Osch's other work, which is why I like it.
Another artist that has been prolific in my absence is Shok-1, I apologise for the poor picture quality, but this piece was only up for a few days and I knew that I had to get pics of it quick!
Now I'm not a religious person, though there has been a religious debate in the area (check the history and social circumstances of Brick Lane for yourself), but this piece appeals to me for a variety of reasons. It speaks of the polarising nature of religious dogma to me, but make of it what you will.
I would like to find out the name of this artist, so if anyone knows get in touch.
As you may know, I'm not a great fan of paste-ups, but a lot of them are getting more innovative. Here are a few that have caught my eye.
Again, I don't know who these are by, so let me know if you do.
The master of paste-ups in my opinion is Mr. Fahrenheit. He makes me laugh so much! Though he doesn't seem to come to Brick Lane very often.
I also like artists that find unusual mediums for their work. Here's something I stumbled upon in January, in the middle of one of the coldest winters in living memory!
I've no idea if that is this guys tag at the bottom, but I would like to find out who did this as well.
The next piece looks unfinished, though I've no idea if that's how it's meant to look.
I like the way it's juxtaposed to the walking man on the floor.
As you know, I'm from Manchester, and just last weekend Kelzo, a good friend from over 20 years ago came down to Brick Lane to do a piece for his sponsor. After he finished, I took him and his girlfriend Renee, on a tour of the street art here. Needless to say, they loved it! Here's Kelzo's piece.
I feel that there is so much more I should show you after all this time, but I can't! I will try to source pics of pieces that I have missed, and if you have any you can always contact me by email or on fb.
Glad to be back!