
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Stik's interview in the Big Issue

Here's a good interview with Stik about his recent collaboration with The Big Issue. Also, check out the interview with him on the blog - As always, please click "join this site" and follow the blog (btw, you DON'T need a google account to join)

Monday, 20 May 2013

Catch-Up mk II

Here are some more pieces that need to be seen from the last couple of years... and a few recent ones!

2 of my favourite artists, Paul 'Don' Smith and Nathan Bowen. I like how nathan has incorporated his characters into Don's piece.
Don & Nathan Bowen, Redchurch St.

This made me laugh till I choked!
Unknown artist, Brick Lane

D7060, Hanbury St.

 As mentioned in my last post, I am hoping to interview DAleast for this blog soon. I posted this last time, but went back for more detailed shots.
DAleast, Piss-alley

DAleast, Piss-alley

DAleast, Piss-alley

Unknown artists, Great Eastern St.

Irony in action, Redchurch St.

Joey Gee being told he is a toy, Hanbury St.

Kaos, Vallance Rd.

Lindy Layton by Don, Hanbury St.

Unknown artist, Hanbury St.

Unknown artist, Hanbury St.

Osch, Hanbury St.

Unknown artist (Masa?), Hanbury St.

Tom by 'Don', Hanbury St.

Unknown artist, Hanbury St.

More catch-up posts to come and, as promised, an exclusive interview with DAleast! See ya! mancpete

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


As I wrote last week, I have not been able to post anything on this blog for 2 years because (I think) someone hacked it. I have missed loads of great stuff and I have found some pics of some of the stuff I missed. Please click "join blog", have a look at previous posts and interviews and contact me if you have any questions and remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge them, mancpete

8-bit has been getting up quite a bit in recent months, I like his/her stuff as it makes me laugh and is also clever.

As some of you may know, I'm not the biggest fan of Banksy, or stencils for that matter, but obviously his work sometimes grabs me by the balls, here are some examples.

Speaking of funny and grabbing by the balls, here's some political commentary from t.wat. AV summa that!

There are a lot of prolific artists around Brick Lane and one of the most prolific is Nathan Bowen. I hope to do an interview with him one day, but he hardly drinks! I like to interview when drunk, its the truth drug! Nathan's technique is very unique and it takes him hours, even days, to complete a piece. After Lives was up for ages, unfortunately the building site board was taken down.

I don't know who the girl is in these pictures, but I would like to! I wonder if it's Jana or JS?

Another prolific artist is Bortusk Leer, here are some examples of his work from a few months back.

I found a Son of Recession piece that I've never seen before. The artist has now moved back to his native Italy and has a club night and fashion label called "Cult Deep", search online and check it out. Also, on the right are links to previous posts and you will find an interview with him and other artists including Stik! He has a very interesting style, for more information go to the previous post reviewing and explaining his work.

No words needed for the next piece, enjoy!

I'm also not really a fan of paste-ups but they have there own merits, like being able to put your message across quickly without being caught by the police. Here are some of the best I've seen 

One of my favourite artists is Roa, he became famous for painting rats, though he now paints all manner of animals, and a few of them are huge like the crane on Brick Lane (see previous posts) and this monster in Mexico City! 

Here are a couple from a bit closer to home... Can you guess where?

There have been a few installations popping up recently as well. Here are some of my favourites.

Well, I say recently but this one has been up for about 3 years

I was walking down Hanbury street just by Roa's huge Crane painting a few months ago and saw a graf artist in action, Mear One, we got talking and it turned out that he and my friend attended the same school in L.A. Here's his work, quite clever I think.

This is also by Mear One and it reminds of a Banksy

The next piece replaced the Mear One "New World Order" piece about 1 month later

Now we have some more recent works, including a piece that went up just 3 days ago. Enjoy!

Unknown artist, Rivington St.

Unknown artist, Redchurch St.

Paul 'Don' Smith Fashion St.

Multiple artists, Brick Lane

AKA Jimmy C, Sclater St.

Montage, Sclater St.

Dan Kitchener, Redchurch St.

Snapseed, Old Truman Brewery

Gnasher, Brick Lane

Hunto, Brick Lane

Parenesis, Brick Lane

Shok-1, Brick Lane

Stinkfish and Buytronick, Brick Lane

Unknown artist, Piss Alley, Brick Lane (created 3 days ago!)

Well folks, I hope you enjoyed my latest post, and remember a few things. Please click "join blog", have a look at previous posts and interviews and contact me if you have any questions, mancpete.