
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Catching up with shit

Yes people! At last I'm back... though I haven't posted for a while coz I've been busy with my music projects!

So, here we go with some major pieces that I have snapped over the last few months

I don't know who did this but I love it! And yes it's supposed to be upside-down!

4 paste-ups in one! Code St. off Brick Lane

Spanish artist Alice in action outside my friends' tattoo shop 5th Dimension. Bacon St. off Brick Lane

Fashion St. off Brick Lane

Lovin' Art Is Trash's work. He/she is really getting up in the Brick Lane area. under the railway bridge Brick Lane

I usually don't like political statements, but this one has ramifications for everyone. Brick Lane

B. Brave, Bacon St. off Brick Lane

As I said I don't usually like political statements, but "Great" Britain needs to wake up to this Nazi's ways! Code St. off Brick Lane

I can't read the name, can you? Cheshire St. off Brick Lane

Taken early evening, sorry about the darkness. Code St. off Brick Lane

Hanbury St. off Brick Lane

D7606 has put Twiggy on a letterbox, Bacon St. off Brick Lane

DaLeast, Bacon St. carpark, off Brick Lane

Code St. off Brick Lane

Great Eastern St.

Bacon St. Carpark, off Brick Lane

Sorry it's so dark but if you click on the image you can enalrge it (just like all the pix on here) Code St. off Brick Lane

Looks like there may be a graf war starting! Hanbury St. off Brick Lane

Johnny Cash by Don, Hanbury St. off Brick Lane

Graf by..? Vallance Road, off Brick Lane

Lindy Layton by Don, do you know who she is? use the comment section to answer. the winner gets a special prize. Hanbury St. off Brick Lane

One of my favourite Don pieces ever... Nelson Mandela, Brick Lane 

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! One of the funniest pieces that I have ever seen! Kim Jong-ill, Bacon St. off Brick Lane

Mondi, Code St. off Brick Lane

A couple of good paste-ups by Stra, Hanbury St. off Brick Lane


Osch, on the edge, Hanbury St. off Brick Lane

Osch, Brick Lane

Robi the Dog, Code St. off Brick Lane

 Saki and Bitches, Code St. off Brick Lane

Code St. off Brick Lane

Stik, Mother bar Old st.

Supersex, Broken Fingaz Crew, Bacon St. off Brick Lane

Tom by Don, Hanbury St. off Brick Lane

Trashbird, Code St. off Brick Lane

Unknown artist, Bacon St. off Brick Lane

Unknown artist, Bacon St. off Brick Lane

Unknown artist, Cheshire St. off Brick Lane